Linux Basics
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Linux Basics
Linux is an open-source kernel created by Louis Torvalds from scratch you can edit it and redistribute and give it your name it is open source and free to use OS.
Linux is also in a server 90% of the internet is Linux and Android is also made with Linux.
The Terminal
The terminal is a program that receives commands and sends it to O.S to process it and also displays putout.
Distros are GUI(graphical user interface) but essentially, Linux has its CLI (command line interface).
Terminal commands
#1 pwd
this command is used to know in which directory you are in you can simply write pwd to get the path of the running directory.
for example~
root@kali: pwd
#2 ls
this command is used to show the list of files, folders, etc which is present in the directory.
for example~
root@kali: ls
Pictures Apache Hulk
#3 cd
this command is used to go to the desired directory or to open a folder or directory.
for example~
root@kali: cd Desktop
root@kali: cd Hulk
root@kali: pwd
#4 mkdir
it is used to create a folder or directory if you want to create a folder name "like null" then you have to type mkdir like null this will create a new folder name like null.
for example~
root@kali: mkdir like null
root@kali: ls
Pictures Apache Hulk like null
#5 rmdir
it is used to delete a folder or directory if you want to delete the folder "like null" then you have to type rmdir like null this will delete folder name like null.
for example~
root@kali: rmdir like null
#6 touch
this command is used to create a new file if you want to create a file name "likenull.txt" then you have to write touch likenull.txt this will create file name likenull.txt.
for example~
root@kali: touch likenull.txt
root@kali: ls
Pictures Apache Hulk likenull.txt
#7 nano
this command will one a text editor in the terminal and nano understands many languages so if you want to edit file likenull.txt then you have to wite nano likenull.txt this will open a text editor.
#8 sudo
Sudo stands for "SuperUser D", this command is generally used with another command to provide the root access or administrator privileges to the command.
for example~
root@kali: sudo bash
(this command will run likenull program with root access)
These were the basics command for Linux which is essential while using Linux our main focus will on Kali Linux, Parrot Security OS to learn Ethical Hacking.
Be with us if you want to learn ethical hacking and penetration testing this course will be free and will use the latest modules and OS.
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